Getting started with Yamdu

We use Yamdu as a tool for production planning, and if you participate as a main crew member will you be added as a user.

For more information on how we handle personal information, please see our Privacy Policy.

You will get an e-mail from Yamdu with a request to sign up to Yamdu on behalf of Artmann Media for a production. Continue with register as a user.

The next step is to upload your profile picture. This step is optional, but will make communication easier.

Enter your contact details.

If you have dietary issues, you can add them here. If you have driving licenses, add this information.

This information is confidential and only limited roles will have access to this information.

The next step is to approve the license agreement.

You are now into Yamdu and have access to the production.

You can also view a list of the other projects you have access to.

For more information about how to use Yamdu, see their support pages.